Posted by: awu12 | January 11, 2011

Community Article Responses

My response to the articles we read about community
Faber Text 1
1. Division of labor is like an assembly line where many people work together in order to create a product.  But, individually they could not make the product because each person can only perform a certain part of the process and they rely on others to finish the product.  Division of labor could happen also while making bowling pins, where one person glues the wood together, another sands the pin into the bowling pin shape, and then another person applies the glossy plastic finish onto the pin.

Oskar Text 2
2. the result of such a process
3. Estrangement and alienation mean inhuman and impersonal.  These happen when the product is more important than the worker and that any one person is not important.  The conditions that cause this are bad in the sense that they dehumanize the workers and enforce the message that the individual is not important.

Oskar Text 3
4. Social behavior is defined as being an individual and thinking and behaving in an independent manner.  This is good for humans because this promotes socialness between humans to encourage more thought.  However this is bad because the need to interact with other humans may eventually outweigh the primary concern, being an individual.

Oskar Text 4
5. Estrangement starts when peoples needs are reduced and people are given the bare minimum.  This leads to everything that is not strictly necessary becoming a luxury and the human becoming nothing more than someone who only looks forward to luxuries and does not enjoy the present.  He saves and conserves for the “ideal” moment when everything will fall into place and life will be good, however this point will not be achieved and the person will just be unhappy.

Oskar Text 5
6. New society is good.


  1. Interesting thoughts to be sure. Good post.

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